Are you struggling to make live your Innovative thoughts?

Are you struggling to make live your Innovative thoughts?

Let's join and contribute your thoughts on C4TBT

My name is Sumanth, I am a developer and founder of C4T Brilliant Thoughts

What is the C4T Brilliant Thoughts?

C4T Brilliant Thoughts website: The main aim to collaborate together and share your thoughts with each other's and build a product.


☝️How it will work?

This website focus on mainly few categories

1. Technical

2. Technology

3. Smart Innovations

4.Open Innovation Contributors Club

Let's discuss the main Open Innovation Contributors Club

Example Mr.X is very good at coding, he has few thoughts to make it live his own products to the public, but if he launches own product's he need a lot of skills and analysis and more... He is lagging behind to design creative UI/UX for his own product or something like deploy or build or marketing , etc...

So for them, this C4TBT platform makes them an easy way to publish their thoughts to the public. Collaborating with GitHub Open Source projects.

In C4TBT GitHub have very innovative open-source projects 20+ like AI, ML, React, Vue, Python, and more... app's

Let's join with us and make it happen our thoughts to the public

How to Join?

Well, after visiting the website created dedicated page for Open Innovation Contributors Club


With one click of the JOIN button, we'll get one GitHub popup like 👇


After filling the form, you will be getting mail to access those open source projects. So if have any unique thoughts? Let's collaborate together and share your thoughts with each other's and build a product.

How do communicate with each contributor?

To solve this, created an open-source GitHub community with Discord 👇

Join is very easy. Let's scan below QR and join. Say hi 👋 to the community 😀


To know about this website go and checkout intro👇